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Category: Branding

7 May

RP,Dynamic Identity

T he evolution of #Branding is moving, in the #digital world, but not necessarily only in it, towards an increasingly #dynamic identity component.The identity we designed for #raffaellapalladino in its final version is in fact a three-dimensional object that conveys on the one hand a component of #recognizability, a textile #pattern with the proprietary initials RP, and on the other a component capable of # update to differentiate, through the presence of different materials and finishes, the offer, the product, the collection.The logo therefore becomes an object that can also move in space, as suggested during the creative process of approaching the final proposal.In general, an identity of this type is capable of #activating in different, dynamic ways,...
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22 Nov

Branding: Lo.Mazzaron

Since more than 20 years, Lo.Mazzaron is dealing with the research of shooting locations, for the most prestigious brands from the design and fashion world. The agency is a reference in Italy, for the professionalism, confidentiality and prestigious works is able to deliver. SoFarSoNear Studio job was to design the logo and the image of the agency, especially the presentation outlook, aligned to the level of quality and prestige of clients and locations.  

We aim to design as expression of creativity revealing the natural skills of author and executor

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21 Apr

Branding, Balteus and Cammino Balteo

T he Valle d’Aosta Autonomous Region announces a competition of ideas for the design of the Balteus logo, for a new tourist product developed within the strategic project "Bassa Via della Valle d'Aosta" co-financed by the European Fund. The “Bassa Via” is aimed at the sustainable development of medium and low altitude locations (currently marginally affected by the flows tourism), in a logic of delocalisation and seasonal adjustment of flows. The Cammino Balteo, is, in fact, a tourist product designed primarily for the spring and autumn. Our Balteus Logo proposal is inspired by the key concepts well expressed in the Brief.The sign is born from a graphic elaboration of the initial capital of the naming "B". Rotated horizontally it brings...
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11 Jan

Azucena,Brand Repositioning

Named after the gypsy in the Italian opera Il Trovatore, Azucena was founded in 1947 by Luigi Caccia Dominioni, Ignazio Gardella and Corrado Corradi Dell’Acqua. The three architects, all based in Milan, created the brand to bring together a number of collections to furnish buildings they had designed. Azucena has always been held in the highest esteem as an Italian brand, combining formal elegance, understated luxury and an aesthetical purity in its collections, all manufactured to the highest standard. Azucena was recently acquired by B&B Italia with the aim to preserve it's rich Italian heritage. SoFarSoNear Studio did meet the family owning the brand few years ago. Since the start, the relationship was one of complicity and...
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25 Nov

LLAB,A New Brand

The history of the company Luigi Lovato dates back to 1970. Since the beginning, the company was recognized as a reliable partner for the development of products having a high content of craftsmanship and quality. In 2017, the management's new vision was translated into design by SoFarSoNear. An art direction project that started with the repositioning of the brand, resulted in the development of a new consistent brand, LLAB and translated into a new line of furniture. Our passionate search to interpret the needs of contemporary living in a way that is original and unique, was the driving force behind the project.

Our aim is to leave a sign in design , where still people, ideas and material matter.

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31 Oct

DM Grafiche,a challenging Brand

A brand repositioning is perhaps the most difficult design strategy project. The difficulty is even greater if the brand works in the communication field. You can not be communicator without communicating. This was the challenge. Through the repositioning, the brand has consolidated its heritage and has innovated those brand values that had to be aligned to a proper language. We have developed a new strategic brand positioning, a new corporate and new communication tools. The job was then extended to the restyling of the headquarter, whose details you may appreciate under the Interior & Styling chapter.

Rebranding never neglects the past, where the heritage of the brand lies.

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