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10 Dec

CDA2020, We are among the Finalists!


he finalists in the 2020 Carpet Design Awards have been selected and SoFarSoNear ‘Qashqai meet Bauhaus Collection’ for Zollanvari has made it to the final round of the international competition for outstanding carpet design! The Carpet Design Awards are an international badge of distinction, given in recognition of quality and design excellence in hand-made carpets and rugs. The awards, organized in partnership with COVER and HALI magazines, help to give expression to cutting-edge innovations and emerging trends in the carpet industry. Presented annually at DOMOTEX, they will be in their 15th year in 2020. Next year’s awards will be conferred in eight categories, with the winners receiving their prizes at a special ceremony held at DOMOTEX on Saturday, 11 January.

We at SoFarSoNear are proud of this achievement, once more confirming our passion for design as expression of creativity.
